- Kara, Quantum Healing Intensive Client
"Genevieve is the Mary Poppins of metaphysics. She helps you do the impossible."

Work With Me

Hey Love,
I'm Genevieve Joy
I'm a Master Hypnotherapist for women who want to heal the unconscious source of their problematic patterns in a way that doesn't require them to relive their past hurts.
Over the past 6 years I've helped women to do the “impossible”, including ending chronic health conditions doctors said were incurable, stopping generational patterns of abuse without becoming martyrs, and transforming from suicidal and hopeless self-sacrificers, into powerful warrior women.
My mission is to help women become their own saviors, so they can stop suffering and live deeply fulfilling lives, without re-traumatizing themselves in the process. I'm not a fan of emotional band-aids or spiritual busy-work, so I only use healing tools that have the power to make the bad shit stop as quickly as possible, and bring in more of the love, health and wealth that is your birthright.
Sometimes my friends call me the Mary Poppins of Metaphysics, and when I'm not working you can find me, with my nose in a book and my toes in the sand of the beaches of Monterey, California where I live with my three children and two slightly neurotic dogs.

Here's the thing: emotional wounds work just like physical wounds. That means we don't need to know a single thing about who did what to you or why they did it in order for you to stop suffering now.
The biggest misconception about emotional wellness is that digging up the pain of your past is the way to heal your present moment pain.
In fact, poking around inside that wound is only going to hurt you. What you need is a healing process that has the power to access the unconscious source of the wound that's causing you pain. That's exactly what we do inside the Quantum Hypnotherapy does.
The idea that you need to hurt yourself in order to help yourself is so prevalent that most women never think to question it.
That's why I created Why Talk Therapy Isn't Working
a quick private podcast to show you why digging into the details of your past can't help you at all, and what needs to happen so you can heal the source of your emotional pain and the problematic patterns they cause.