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Hey, Love!

I'm a Master Hypnotherapist for women who want to heal the unconscious source of their problematic patterns without hurting themselves in the process, and I'm devoted to helping women become their own saviors. 

Scroll down to access my client's most beloved resources and healing tools.

I'm Genevieve Joy

"After working with Genevieve, I'm not the same person I used to be.

I used to have a lot of chronic pain, and massive social anxiety. But now the pain is gone and I'm so much more outgoing. I've also started a whole new career, which has opened up my life in so many different ways. She helped me change the entire course of my life."

- Samantha

Quantum Healing Intensive Client

"Never in my life did I think I could feel this good about who I am.

I never knew I could become this absolutely confident version of myself. This work is some of the fastest work you'll ever do to unlock the patterns you don't want to play on repeat in your life."

- Tanya

Warrior Woman University Student

Wanna learn more about what makes this work so special?

You won't find any emotional band-aids or spiritual busywork here. Just powerful healing tools and advice that create big results right here in the real world.

Season 1 is all about Freedom

  • Why hard things happen (hint: it's not about lessons)

  • How to end your problematic patterns and become free from the health, financial and relationship patterns that are causing you to suffer

  • How to find the freedom you need to live as your most authentic self

  • Plus, in episode 13 you'll also experience a powerful Huna healing to help you heal your self-doubt and access the self-trust you need to make lasting transformations

Listen to bite-sized episodes about what it looks like to navigate the everyday world as a spiritual warrior woman, like these:

#49 - How To Heal Anxiety For Good

#46 - Why Do I Keep Doing This To Myself?! (how to end self-sabotage

#37 - How To Put A Stop To Chronic Regret

Wanna learn more about how I can help you?

This is powerful healing that doesn't hurt. Scroll down to find out how I can help you end your biggest problematic patterns, find peace and become free, without re-traumatizing yourself in the process.

Warrior Woman University

Learn how to heal the source of any problematic pattern you face in life, and become truly free with this simple, yet incredibly powerful, step-by-step process.

  • TAKE CONTROL: Get the owner's manual to your own life so you can understand how everything in your reality is created on a quantum level, and reclaim your power to efficiently and permanently change anything you're not happy with. Once you get this, making big, lasting changes becomes simple and clear.

  • HEAL: Learn how to use the Quantum Healing Process and heal the source of any challenge and problematic pattern you face in life, so you can put them behind you for good and finally experience true, lasting peace. 

  • EXPAND: Learn how to break through the Pleasure Thresholds that have been preventing you from experiencing true, lasting happiness in all areas of your life and expand your capacity to receive your desires so you can hang on to them over the long term.

  • ASCEND: Bravely forge a clear path to get from where you used to be to where you want to be in a way that gives you more energy than you put out.

The Self-Paced Quantum Healing Course

The 8 Week 1:1 Healing Space

The Quantum Healing Intensive

Heal the unconscious source of your most problematic pattern in just 8 weeks, so you can stop suffering, and permanently move your life in a new direction without dredging up the details of your past.

  • DAY 1 - SELF DISCOVERY: Uncover the real source of your problematic pattern, the juicy desire you dream of creating instead, and the ways you've been unconsciously keeping yourself tied to the life you want to leave behind and pushing away the reality you want so we can heal it all during our sessions. .

  • WEEK 1 - HEAL YOUR PAST: Using Ancient Hawaiian Huna, the most powerful unconscious healing tool available to us now, we'll clean up a massive layer of the unconscious programming that's been keeping you tied to this problematic pattern in a 2-hour Zoom session.

  • WEEK 2 - SHADOW WORK: Dive into your inner depths and heal the hidden aspects of your problematic pattern, and the identity you created around being the kind of woman who felt comfortable living in it, so you can leave it behind for good in your second 2-hour Zoom session.

  • WEEK 3 - HEAL YOUR FUTURE: Release your blocks to becoming the kind of woman for whom this pattern cannot exist, and the Pleasure Threshold that's been stopping you from getting there, so you can fully become the version of you who has put this pattern behind you for good in your third 2-hour Zoom session.

  • WEEKS 4-8 - BRAVELY MOVE FORWARD: Put a permanent seal on our healing work and move your life in a brand new direction by taking brave action to move yourself away from your current reality and toward the life the peaceful, joyful and freedom-filled life that is your birthright in a way that gives you more energy than you put out. At the end of our work together we'll meet for one final 2-hour Zoom session to clean up any remaining tethers and blocks that might be keeping your tied to that old problem.


Got Questions?

You won't find me on the socials, but I'd love to chat with you over email.

Click below to send me a note and let me know how I can help.

©2024 Genevieve Joy Quantum Healing

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