Wanna learn more about how I can help you?
This is powerful healing that doesn't hurt. Scroll down to find out how I can help you end your biggest problematic patterns, find peace and become free, without re-traumatizing yourself in the process.
Warrior Woman University
Learn how to heal the source of any problematic pattern you face in life, and become truly free with this simple, yet incredibly powerful, step-by-step process.
TAKE CONTROL: Get the owner's manual to your own life so you can understand how everything in your reality is created on a quantum level, and reclaim your power to efficiently and permanently change anything you're not happy with. Once you get this, making big, lasting changes becomes simple and clear.
HEAL: Learn how to use the Quantum Healing Process and heal the source of any challenge and problematic pattern you face in life, so you can put them behind you for good and finally experience true, lasting peace.
EXPAND: Learn how to break through the Pleasure Thresholds that have been preventing you from experiencing true, lasting happiness in all areas of your life and expand your capacity to receive your desires so you can hang on to them over the long term.
ASCEND: Bravely forge a clear path to get from where you used to be to where you want to be in a way that gives you more energy than you put out.

The Self-Paced Quantum Healing Course
The 8 Week 1:1 Healing Space
The Quantum Healing Intensive
Heal the unconscious source of your most problematic pattern in just 8 weeks, so you can stop suffering, and permanently move your life in a new direction without dredging up the details of your past.
DAY 1 - SELF DISCOVERY: Uncover the real source of your problematic pattern, the juicy desire you dream of creating instead, and the ways you've been unconsciously keeping yourself tied to the life you want to leave behind and pushing away the reality you want so we can heal it all during our sessions. .
WEEK 1 - HEAL YOUR PAST: Using Ancient Hawaiian Huna, the most powerful unconscious healing tool available to us now, we'll clean up a massive layer of the unconscious programming that's been keeping you tied to this problematic pattern in a 2-hour Zoom session.
WEEK 2 - SHADOW WORK: Dive into your inner depths and heal the hidden aspects of your problematic pattern, and the identity you created around being the kind of woman who felt comfortable living in it, so you can leave it behind for good in your second 2-hour Zoom session.
WEEK 3 - HEAL YOUR FUTURE: Release your blocks to becoming the kind of woman for whom this pattern cannot exist, and the Pleasure Threshold that's been stopping you from getting there, so you can fully become the version of you who has put this pattern behind you for good in your third 2-hour Zoom session.
WEEKS 4-8 - BRAVELY MOVE FORWARD: Put a permanent seal on our healing work and move your life in a brand new direction by taking brave action to move yourself away from your current reality and toward the life the peaceful, joyful and freedom-filled life that is your birthright in a way that gives you more energy than you put out. At the end of our work together we'll meet for one final 2-hour Zoom session to clean up any remaining tethers and blocks that might be keeping your tied to that old problem.

Wanna learn more about what makes this work so special?
You won't find any emotional band-aids or spiritual busywork here. Just powerful healing tools and advice that create big results right here in the real world.
Listen To My Public Podcast, Become Your Own Savior
Season 1 is all about Freedom: How to access and heal the hidden sources of your suffering and how to heal them for good so you can become truly free
Why hard things happen (hint: it's not about lessons)
How to end your problematic patterns and become free from the health, financial and relationship patterns that are causing you to suffer
How to find the freedom you need to live as your most authentic self
Plus, in episode 13 you'll also experience a powerful Huna healing to help you heal your self-doubt and access the self-trust you need to make lasting transformations
Join My Private Podcast, Why Talk Therapy Isn't Working
This idea that you have to dig into the pain of your past in order to feel better at some point in the future is complete nonsense, because emotional wounds work just like physical wounds. That means you don't need to know a single thing about who did what to you or why they did it in order for you to heal the wound that's causing you pain. And in this private podcast I'll prove to you that this is true, an what you need to do instead to stop suffering now!
Episode 1: Why Talk Therapy Isn't Working
Episode 2: Why Digging Up The Pain Of your Past Will Never Help You Heal
Episode 3: How True Healing Happens
Episode 4: Q&A - Answers To Your Biggest Questions
Episode 5: How To Start Healing now

How can I experience Quantum Healing now so I know what it's like?
Inside this video I'll guide you through the exact piece of the full Quantum Healing process that I used to permanently heal a life-long chronic pain condition called Interstitial Cystitis that was destroying my life, yet doctors told me was incurable, so you can get a taste of the transformative power of this ancient healing process.
How do I join Warrior Woman University?

Secure Your Seat
Make your $1,000 payment in full and receive a $250 discount, or spread your payments over five months.
Once you've secured your seat, you'll get immediate, lifetime access to all course materials, and access to the WWU Sisterhood where you can get support from me and other like-hearted women and attend our monthly live calls to dive even deeper into concepts related to quantum healing and get your specific questions answered during the Q&A. All calls will be recorded and made available for replay in the course app.

Take The New Student Orientation
Login to the WWU Student Portal and begin the New Student Orientation, where I'll show you exactly what you need to do to access the course app, audio lessons, the guided Quantum Healing Process and the live call replays.
I'll also guide you through a powerful spiritual initiation to create a clear, defining line between the life you used to live and the life you're moving toward. Then I'll help you create the space in your life that you'll need to complete the lessons and do deep healing work so you can be sure to make the most of your investment.

Begin the Lessons and Healings
Listen to the audio lessons from the course app, so you can learn how to up-level your life while you get on with the business of doing life.
Then set aside time to receive the deep quantum healings that are strategically placed throughout the course to help you heal everything from the major negative emotions you've been carrying around with you from your past to integrating your Conscious, Unconscious and Higher Conscious Mind so they can all work efficiently together to help you reach the destination of your desires as quickly as possible.
Hop in, woo-woo women!
Warrior Woman Method
We're moving to Happy Town!

Step 3
You Create True, Lasting Joy and Fulfillment
Combine the strategic and the sacred with a Brave Action Plan for permanently moving your life away from that old problem so it can never happen again, and a Simple Daily Ritual to make sure you get from where you are to where you want to be in a way that actually gives you more energy than you put out.

Step 1
You Get Control Over Your Life
Get the owners' manual to your own life so you can understand how everything in your reality is created on a quantum level, and reclaim your power to efficiently and permanently change anything you're not happy with. Once you get this, making big, lasting changes becomes simple and clear.
You Experience True Peace
Create an energetic map of the problem that's causing you to feel chronically unhappy so you can heal it from its source, and stop feeling chronically exhausted by problems that won’t go away and frustrated by desires that always seem to be out of your reach
Step 2
You're living the vibrant, joyful and deeply fulfilling life that is your birthright.
You know exactly what to do to get past any problem you face in life, and you know exactly how to get more of what you want without exhausting yourself in the process, which gives you an incredible level of confidence because you really do have what it takes to handle anything that comes your way.
That's what makes you unf*ckwithable!

What you're really risking by continuing to use these strategies isn't your time, energy or money.
It's your self-trust.
And when you have doubts about whether you're ever going to be able to feel truly happy and fulfilled, that's when life starts to feel bleak, and putting any effort into making big changes starts to feel a bit pointless.
Then the real downward spiral happens: You can't stop yourself from wanting your desires, but without a way to make them your reality you'll feel even more frustrated, hopeless, unfulfilled with every passing day.
How can you go from ...
... to living the peaceful life that's waiting for you on the other side of this problem where you can:
... feeling chronically exhausted, defeated and unfulfilled because:

you're not living as the vivacious woman you used to be because you've run out of energy for pretending like everything is fine

feel the sense of lightness and ease that comes from releasing this emotional burden for good

you're not able to give to others the way you want to because you're too emotionally exhausted from trying to show up for yourself

have the freedom you need to be your true and authentic self

you feel like a failure and a burden to others because you just can't find a way to let this go and be happy

feel the joy that comes from receiving what you want to have instead of this problem

Let me know if this sounds familiar ...
you're exhausted on a Soul level from trying for so hard and so long to put this problem behind you so you can finally be happy.​

you're beyond frustrated from not getting the results you want ​
you're starting to wonder if there's something wrong with who you are, if you're just supposed to suffer through life, or if the Universe is against you​

Are you ready to live a life that feels vibrant, joyful and deeply fulfilling no matter what circumstances you face in life?
With the Warrior Woman Method you can learn how to do deep healing work that really works so you can:

Heal the energetic source of any problem you face in life and quickly move past it

Experience true happiness without trying to brainwash yourself into thinking everything's fine when it's definitely not​

Become the (s)hero of your own story
Let's get real.
The Quantum Healing Intensive isn't for everyone.
This is incredibly fast, deeply transformational work, and it’s only for women who are being called to do big things in this world and want to quickly move past their limitations.
If that’s you, and you’re having doubts about whether it’s worth it for you to invest the time and money required to make it happen now, do yourself a big favor and learn from my mistakes.
Many years ago when I first felt that calling, I told myself that the timing just wasn’t right, and that I needed to focus on other things. What I didn’t realize was that by saying ‘no’ to my Soul, I was turning down the dial on my ability to receive abundance.
I didn’t know then that your desires are your destiny, and that by choosing not to take action the first time I felt called, I chose the hard path to receiving them. My life became increasingly difficult until I had no other option but to trust my intuition and take that big step toward living the joyful, freedom-filled life I live now.

Your Soul knows the truth of this, even if the voice in your head tells you differently sometimes.
You're not meant to live a half-assed life. You're here to experience an abundance of pleasure, comfort and joy. You're here to be a beacon of hope and change for the entire world, and raise the vibration of the entire planet.
You were created to feel joyful, vibrant and free.
That incredible life you see when you allow yourself to dream big ... it's already yours! The only thing that's keeping you from having it now is the weight of the emotional baggage you're carrying around with you since you were a little girl, trying to find peace in a world that felt out of control.
You've been through a lot in your life, and because of that you've accumulated a wealth of wisdom.
It's time to give that scared little girl in you access to all of those incredible resources so she can finally grow into the empowered, confident, radiant woman she was born to be.
It's time to heal your life from the inside out so the brilliant light of your Soul can finally radiate freely.
The Quantum Healing Intensive
8-10 total hours of 1:1 quantum healing sessions via Zoom, to delete the neurological pathways within you that create the unique constellation of emotions, thoughts and behaviors that are contributing to your problem.
The support and encouragement you need to take brave action toward your desires from someone who's been where you are and made it to the other side.
Unlimited VIP access to me via email and Voxer so I can be there to guide you through anything that comes up between our sessions.
Unlimited remote healings so you can receive deep, energetic healing while you carry on with life.
PDF Self-Discovery Guide to help you uncover the root-cause of your current situation.
A custom guided meditation specifically created to help you become a magnet for your unique, Soul-led life.
PDF Crystalize Your Future Guide to help you clearly envision the life you want to create without your current problem.

"My work with Genevieve was life changing! There are no other words to use. Her approach, presence and connection to me as a client has allowed me to heal my life in ways I didn't know were possible.
I have a new sense of confidence and empowerment now that I didn't before and now I know that anything is possible for me. I feel the Universe led me to her."
- Cynthia
"I'm not the same person I used to be after working with Genevieve.
I used to have chronic pain and social anxiety. Since my break-through I've started doing yoga, made a handful of wonderful friends, and began a whole new career.
Her work changed me on a cellular level and I'm so grateful I made this commitment.
She changed the entire course of my life!"
- Lisa
I've created a FREE mini higher self healing session to guide you in transforming your fear into the personal power you need to confidently create the joyful life you desire.
It's supercharged with some of the exact healing tools I use every day to create quantum level change both for myself and my clients, so you can begin to release your blocks to living as your true, Divine self right now.
In this FREE mini-healing session I'll guide you to:
Release deeply held layers of the fears, anxiety and overwhelm that have been keeping you stuck so you can begin to shed the emotional weight you've been carrying around.
Release layers of the blocks that have been keeping you from experiencing the freedom, joy and empowerment that are your birthright.
Unlock the gifts your Higher Self has for you that will guide you on your path to living the freedom-filled life of your dreams.
And the best part is I've packed all of this healing goodness into about 11 minutes, so you can feel better fast and create quantum level change anytime, any place!
I'm gifting these powerful tools to you because I see the ways that women all over the world are suffering under the weight of their fears, and I know I have tools that truly make a lasting difference. I just can't keep them to myself.
Click the link below and download your mini healing session to your phone so you'll always have me in your back pocket.

Experience The Power of Quantum Healing
Get this specific result
Oh hell yes!
How can I help?
Personal Breakthrough
Are you fed up with a really big problem or unresolved trauma that doesn't seem to be going anywhere despite all your best efforts? We can get rid of it for good in just two hours in this 1:1 virtual healing program.
Learn how to feel better fast, love yourself from the inside out and change your problems for good so you can truly love yourself and your life no matter what your current situation.
Virtual Retreats
Up-level your life and meet your Soul Sisters from the comfort of your own home (and your yoga pants) with these solution - focused virtual retreats.

Hey Soul Sister!
I'm Genevieve Joy, Higher Self Healer, and single mom to three awesome kiddos. I've helped countless women just like you to make peace with their past, find joy in the present moment and connect to their highest self while creating a life right here in the real world that truly lights them up.
I'm so glad to meet you!

Your Investment: $3,000
What's Included:
5 total hours of virtual, Higher Self Healing 1:1 sessions that will take place over the course of six weeks.
19 Page Get Started Guide so you know what to expect during your sessions and what you need to do to prepare.
16 Page Continuing Your Breakthrough Guide with practices for uncovering the deeper layers of your problem and practical tools for dealing with them as they arise to you have the tools you need to start taking control over your life now!
Unlimited email and Voxer voice and chat with me during your 6-week breakthrough. ​
"Working with Genevieve was the best decision I've ever made. In two hours I became a completely different version of myself and that problem that I thought I'd be stuck with for the rest of my life is just gone. It's like magic."
Hey! I'm Higher Self Healer and recovered people-pleaser
A few years ago I was a hot mess! I felt trapped in an abusive marriage and overwhelmed with crushing anxiety and several lifetimes worth of trauma.
One morning, after a particularly rough altercation with my now ex-husband, I decided I wasn't going to live that soul-crushing life for one more day. I started on a quest that morning to reclaiming my self-worth and living as the fullest expression of my Soul by changing my life from the inside out.
And, Girl ... did I ever!
In my quest to heal myself I became certified as a Master Hypnotherapist and was initiated into ancient Polynesian Shamanism.

Not only did I find the keys to ending anxiety for good, I've also uncovered ancient secrets for transforming old patterns and trauma from their unconscious source.
I've used these secrets to evolve from the victim of my circumstances into the queen of my whole freaking universe, and I want to share them with as many women as possible.
That's why I've packed this quick but powerful healing session with some of my very best tools to create change on a quantum level.
I believe...
... we are all spiritual beings who are having a physical experience.
... all the answers you'll ever need are inside you.
... changing your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and habits are the keys to changing your life.
... right now, just as you are, you have the power to be, do and receive anything you desire.
Ready to take control over your life?

Maybe you're sick and tired of giving way more than you're receiving in your relationships and you're ready to find a way to set boundaries that actually works.

Maybe you're feeling disconnected and uninspired and you're looking for a way to create a deep connection to your Soul so you can live with passion and purpose and make a powerful impact in the world.

Maybe you know it's time to make some big changes in your life, but you've got some even bigger fears that are keeping you from moving forward and you're looking for a way to release those blocks to your success and confidently step into a brand new way of being.
Girl, I've been there and I found a way out. I transformed my life from a living hell to heaven on earth, and my mission is to teach as many women as possible how to create a Soul-led life beyond their wildest dreams.

Ready to level-up your life and change your biggest problem for good?
I've created a unique process using cutting edge neuroscience and ancient spiritual healing tools. With this process we can delete the neurological programming that caused your problem in the first place and install the neurology that will enable you to achieve what you want to have instead of. This process is so effective that with it we can change the entire course of your life in just a few hours.
From Abuse Victim To Queen of My Whole Freaking Universe
One week after my 38th birthday my entire world collapsed. I'd spent the past 15 years of my life in an abusive marriage while raising three homeschooled kids. I believed that my value as woman was a direct reflection of my ability to give to others, and that the more I did for others, the more they would love me. (sound familiar?)
So, I gave and gave and gave to everyone but myself until my body, mind and spirit were completely shattered.
I woke up one morning and had that thought that maybe you've had too: How the f*@# did I end up here?
How had I become a woman who accepts abusive treatment day after day and convinces herself that everything's fine ... a woman so debilitated with chronic fatigue and pain that no amount of caffeine or prescription drugs could fix it ... so completely overwhelmed by pain and self-hatred that I seriously considered suicide?
That morning I realized I was DONE done. I wanted to take control of my life and clean up my emotional baggage so that this horrific situation would never EVER happen again.
Most of all I wanted to love the sh!t out of every part of my life and I decided that I was willing to do literally anything to make it happen.
What happened next changed the entire course of my life.

"I can't do this for one . more . f*cking . day!"
You didn't sleep well (again), so of course the kids woke up at the crack of dawn and immediately found something stupid to fight about.
You haven't even opened your eyelids yet and you're already feeling exhausted and resentful. You can't imagine how you're going to make it through ANOTHER day like this, but someone's got to breakup the fight that's erupting in the living room so you peel yourself out of bed, paste on your "mom means business" face and march down the hall.
Afterwards, you schlep to the bathroom wondering shamefacedly what the neighbors must be thinking about you at this particular moment. You ask yourself for the millionth time how the hell you ended up here.
You're just not happy, and you haven't been happy for a long time.
You've tried all the self-care stuff everyone talks about, and sometimes you feel a little better, but as soon as self-care time is over you're right back where you started. Every day you tell yourself that today is going to be different, but it never is.
The pattern is always the same: wake up exhausted, yell at people you love, feel ashamed and guilty, laundry, clean-up, laundry, clean-up, give until you feel like a walking shell, go to bed miserable and exhausted.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
As you struggle into a pair of clean-ish yoga pants you picked up off the floor, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror and it all hits you like a ton of bricks. In one instant you hit the fast-forward button on the movie screen of your life and you see your kids all grown-up with kids of their own, feeling exactly the way you're feeling now: exhausted and resigned to a low-level of misery day after day after day after day.
You realize in that moment that by ignoring your own needs now, you're raising kids who will grow up and do exactly the same thing. The realization that you would never want your kids to live the way you're living is what finally opens the door to a new way of life for you.
That's it! You're done! You're not going to live like this for one more day.
You know that if you're going to make the major changes you want, you're going to have to do something majorly different. NOW!

"Genevieve helped me to completely change my life.
I overcame my anger, resentment and guilt towards my past and helped me find peace in the present. More importantly, she has helped me shift my perspective from that of a victim, to that of a creator. I am confident that I can handle anything that comes my way now because I know that I can create whatever my heart desires.
Working with Genevieve was one of the best investments I've ever made."
- Sid, Quantum Healing Intensive Client
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
So many words and lots and lots of paragraphs to make a column of words that describe what I want to say.
Here's even more things about this topic.
And another thing, I'm going to say one more thing on this topic before I end this space holder.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
So many words and lots and lots of paragraphs to make a column of words that describe what I want to say.
Here's even more things about this topic.
And another thing, I'm going to say one more thing on this topic before I end this space holder.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
So many words and lots and lots of paragraphs to make a column of words that describe what I want to say.
Here's even more things about this topic.
And another thing, I'm going to say one more thing on this topic before I end this space holder.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
So many words and lots and lots of paragraphs to make a column of words that describe what I want to say.
Here's even more things about this topic.
And another thing, I'm going to say one more thing on this topic before I end this space holder.

Quantum Healing Works When Nothing Else Does
No one consciously creates their problems, instead they're created at an unconscious level. That's why strategies like traditional therapy that don't address the unconscious programming that's causing your suffering can't give you the fast-acting, long-term results you want.
In this free audio masterclass I show you what it really takes to put a stop to the biggest problems in your life for good so you can feel better fast and quickly make lasting progress toward living a life that feels vibrant, joyful and deeply fulfilling without faking it 'till you make it or burning out in the process.

Hey, I'm Genevieve!
Let's be done with chronic exhaustion and unhappiness and create a life that feels vibrant, joyful and deeply fulfilling.
I help women to heal the unconscious programming that's causing them to feel exhausted, overwhelmed and chronically unhappy so they can feel better fast and permanently move their life in a new direction without having to spend years in talk-therapy, try to willpower their way through or fake it 'till they make it.
Our Beliefs and Values
At Genevieve Joy Quantum Healing we believe that ...
Everyone always has within them the power to be, do and receive everything they desire.
There's no such thing as an unsolvable problem.
We are each the ultimate authority in our own lives.
All worldviews are valid.
Challenges are inevitable on the journey through this life, but with the right combination of effective tools, strategies and support, suffering really is optional.
We Value:
True and unconditional love and acceptance.​

When we say we help women transform themselves from feeling unworthy and unfulfilled to unf*ckwithable warriors, we mean ALL WOMEN. If you feel aligned with the feminine energy and you're ready to get the tools to finally get past your past and create a life that feels easy, free and deeply fulling ... you're in the right place.

Learn why your daily spiritual practices aren't giving you the results you want, and get my powerful 4-step process for creating the vibrant, joyful and fulfilling life that is your birthright.

Heal Your Anxiety
Quickly get out of a state of overwhelming fear and connect to the peace, hope and optimism your heart is longing for.

Quantum Healing
Get a taste of the power of Quantum Healing and begin to heal the source of one of your most problematic patterns.