Way of The Warrior
The Weekly Private Podcast With Genevieve Joy

July 10, 2023
by Genevieve Joy
Why No One Can Make You Feel Anything
How can you truly heal if someone else has authority over your inner wound?
Sometimes really hot guys say stuff, and you get so mesmerized by their hotness that you forget to really question the validity of their words. (No? Just me?)
Well, that’s what happened to me earlier this week when I watched a podcast episode from neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, who gave a detailed explanation of why he believes it can’t be true that no one can make you feel anything because our neurological systems are inextricably linked.
And that is true … but it’s not the whole truth.
And it’s really important that you understand how this concept works, because when someone does something that feels hurtful to you, how can you heal that wound if you believe someone else has authority over it?
In this episode I’ll show you the WHOLE truth about what it means when you feel hurt by someone else’s choices, and how you can make sure you never feel that kind of hurt again.

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You'll also get a fresh episode each week with a story about what it looks like to live as a feminine warrior, so you can begin to incrementally expand the way you see yourself, and reclaim your power to be truly free and vibrantly alive, right here in the real world.