Way of The Warrior
The Weekly Private Podcast With Genevieve Joy

June 12, 2023
by Genevieve Joy
Why I Don't Often Share the Details Of My Past (and why I did it anyway on Season 1 of BYOS)
It's about making sure I can always fulfill my number one value.
Since launching my new public podcast, Become Your Own Savior, I've received so many messages from you letting me know how impactful it's been for you, and I'm so grateful.
I didn't expect to receive so many questions asking me why I don't share more about the personal details of my past, though.
And I'm really glad you asked, because there's a very important reason why I'm so slective about the information I share with others both in public and in private.
And the answer has to do with maintaining my commitment to prioritizing my spiritual growth over eveything else ... the highest priority of the Warrior Woman.
So in this episode I'm going to share with you why I don't often divulge the personal details of my past, and why I decided I had to do it anyway in episode 2 of BYOS.

Join the private podcast!
If any of that resonates with you, pop in your earbuds and click below to join the private podcast, and listen to this episode.
You'll also get a fresh episode each week with a story about what it looks like to live as a feminine warrior, so you can begin to incrementally expand the way you see yourself, and reclaim your power to be truly free and vibrantly alive, right here in the real world.