Way of The Warrior
The Weekly Private Podcast With Genevieve Joy

March 6, 2023
by Genevieve Joy
Why Does This Keep Happening To Me, And How Can I Make It Stop?
This is the key
The one question that each of my clients asks when we first meet is this: Why does this keep happening to me, and how do I make it stop for good?
I happen to believe that the answer to this is really simple, but there’s so much teaching in the spiritual community that says, "if you just raise your vibration high enough, everything you desire will simply fall into your lap".
So when that doesn’t work, people naturally start asking questions like,
What’s wrong with me?
Why am I still attracting the same kinds of problematic patterns when I’m working my ass off internally?
The answer is simple: The kind of work you're doing can't give you the results you want because it can't find and heal the unconsicous programming that's causing your problematic patterns.
In this episode, I guide you in safely traveling to a dark place so you can easily see the truth of how you can get yourself out for good.

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If any of that resonates with you, pop in your earbuds and click below to join the private podcast, and listen to this episode.
You'll also get a fresh episode each week with a story about what it looks like to live as a feminine warrior, so you can begin to incrementally expand the way you see yourself, and reclaim your power to be truly free and vibrantly alive, right here in the real world.