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Way of The Warrior


The Weekly Private Podcast With Genevieve Joy

February 24, 2023

   by Genevieve Joy

The Secret To Easily Finding Your Flow

This is the key

There's a reason why health classes are mandatory for high school students all across the U.S.: if you don't know how to take care of yourself, it's very hard to have a peaceful life.

Well, we really need to teach our children about their hidden selves ... their conscious, unconscious and higher conscious minds. Because until you know how each of these aspects of you work both independently and cooperatively, you can't fully understand how your own life works.

But once you get this information, you'll be able to take control over your internal and external reality, and easily drop into a state of flow.

Flow is that blissful state where you feel like your truest self, and life just seems to flow along easily happens when you consciously choose to open the door to your Unconsicous Mind so the warmth and wisdom of your Higher Conscious mind can flow through to you, and you can be consciously aware of it.

There’s a very simple secret to making this happen, and in this episode I show you how it all works, and how you can make it work for you.

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If any of that resonates with you, pop in your earbuds and click below to join the private podcast, and listen to this episode. 


You'll also get a fresh episode each week with a story about what it looks like to live as a feminine warrior, so you can begin to incrementally expand the way you see yourself, and reclaim your power to be truly free and vibrantly alive, right here in the real world.

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